There are certain moments in your life that you will never, as long as you live, ever forget: The day you got accepted into the college of your dreams. Your first kiss. Your wedding day. The day you graduate from said dream College. The day you become a parent. These are all defining moments in our lives, things that are special to us that we hold most dear in our hearts. Not only are they important, but they help define who we are.
I may not have accomplished quite a few things on that list above (particularly the parent and wedding part) but I know that there is one moment that needs to be added, a moment that I will always, always remember for the rest of my life.
The day I got engaged.
Whoah, wait what? Engaged? No, it's not what you think. I wasn't engaged to a particular person, that's not what I mean. I became engaged to something much more meaningful, much bigger than any one guy.
I became engaged to Virginia Tech.
October 4th, 2011. 7pm. It's the evening myself and my Leadership Team have been planning, preparing and anticipating for one year since we worked at 2012's Ring Premiere the previous October. We have been marketing like crazy, biting our nails about the speeches we had to make and counting down the hours until we would finally, finally get to unveil all our hard work to our fellow classmates and receive that amazing token of our accomplishment- our class ring. The months, days and weeks seem to slip by and before we know it- the big evening has finally arrived! We assembled at 5:45 in front of Burruss Hall in the most beautiful spot on campus in beautiful Blacksburg fall weather. The beginning of the happiest night of my life:

our fearless leader! Clayton, you did an incredible job and there are just no words that I can use to accurately describe how much I admire you and your amazing leadership skills. You are truly wonderful and you deserved every minute in the spotlight! I know I speak for the entire Ring Design team as well as LTEAM when I say we LOVE YOU!
the boys- don't their white tuxes look super fly?
Kappa Delta does Leadership. Kappa delta does Tradition. Kappa Delta does Virginia Tech.
Leaders since freshman year, Leaders for life.
I can't believe it is finally time to pass the torch...our amazing "littles" we expect nothing but great things from 2014 Ring Design!
It felt a little odd to be here on the steps of one of my favorite buildings in the world, one year later...but this time in the place of honor, and not those in charge of cleaning up all the confetti after the show. (we love you 2014) I couldn't really believe 365 days had gone by, and yet here we were- celebrating one whole year of Leadership Team love:
Happy One Year Anniversary! To great friends, and amazing memories we will never forget! Oh how the time really does fly!
It felt like Prom as we posed for picture after picture, and eventually we were ushered inside to begin the ceremony. I was jittery, nervous, happy and nostalgic all at the same time- talk about emotional sensory overload! I couldn't wait for the moment when I would slip that ring on my finger, and yet I didn't want it to end. But it is the funny way of the world that just when you want to freeze time and savor every second- it seems to speed up and fly by...
the big moment...did we say yes?
WE DID! :)
I will never forget the surge of emotions I felt when I opened that little black box and saw my class ring sparkling up at me, nestled in the folds of black velvet. I knew a piece of me had fallen into place right then- and I felt more complete and sure of myself than I ever have in my entire life. I finally knew what it felt like to become engaged- to commit yourself completely and wholly to something that truly means the world to you.
Of course I said yes to Virginia Tech's proposal.
The rest of the night passed in a haze of pride, happiness and honor. There are truly no words to describe it. But they say that pictures are worth 1,000 maybe these can fill in the blank spots that words simply can't fill:
And to my fellow Leadership Team members...Ring Premiere is over, but Ring Dance is just around the corner! And in the words of Dr. Seuss:
"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened"
you all have changed my life forever.